Sweat Talk
Welcome to Sweattalk, your ultimate resource for triathletes! Discover training tips, gear insights, and inspiring stories to fuel your passion for swimming, cycling, and running. Whether beginner or pro, we’re here to empower your journey.
New Year, New You: Triathlete Edition
- by Rama Khan
Why You Need To Invest In A Foam Roller?
- by Rama Khan
There are hundreds of pieces of exercise equipment on the market today. Jump ropes, hand held weights, massage guns - the list is endless. And most likely if you're into fitness, you’ve got them all. While we obviously don't need every piece of equipment, there are a few pieces that can be incredibly beneficial to our health. One such piece? The foam roller.
When Should You Change Your Running Shoes?
- by Maddie Drakeley
I ran 12 marathons in 2019. I won’t lie to you - running marathons is not my idea of fun, but what I did enjoy was mixing up my running shoes. Throughout the year I took on 42.2km in various models…the Cloudswift, Cloudflow, Cloudstratus and even the Cloudrock! There was one thing that remained consistent throughout my marathon journey…I was NEVER NOT ON.
From Zero To Hero!
- by Maddie Drakeley
“I’m too busy”, “I don’t have the athletic gene”, “It’s too late to start now” these are just some of the excuses that got me to where I was in 2017. Two years later I stand before my very first Ironman distance that I couldn’t even begin to imagine 2 years ago. We all need to start somewhere and with enough commitment and drive the excuses will slowly begin to fade away.